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  12.03.2024 - 13.03.2024

From Alice Springs we drive 330 kilometers along a sand track to Kings Canyon.

Sand track to Kings Canyon

Kings Canyon is the largest gorge in Australia. With its steep rock walls over 200 meters high and deep fern-covered valleys, the canyon represents a fascinating incision in the otherwise dry landscape.

Kings Canyon

We start at 8 a.m. The Rim Walk, a 6 kilometer long circular hiking trail, leads over steep steps to the north flank of the rocky cliffs, crossing Kings Creek, returning on the south side. Not an easy hike, especially not in the heat. If temperatures are forecast to exceed 36 degrees, access to the route will be closed from 9 a.m.

Kings Canyon

Kings Canyon

Kings Canyon

Kings Canyon

Kings Canyon

Kings Canyon

Kings Canyon

Kings Canyon 

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